Comments Posted By fiskhus jim
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You've actually misunderstood two very salient points:

First, No one has to manufacture a Bush scandal - all they have to do is take off te blinkers and look around. There's so much scandal and cossuption in this administration that you really can't miss seeing it, unless you're blinded by your faith in GWB as your personal messiah.

Second, the vast left-wing conspiracy is very different from your vast right-wing conspiracy - so different in fact that you simply cannot understand us; but we don;t engage in the same kind of psychologically pathological projection you folks do. Your irrational fear is based on your assumption that we want to do to you what you want to do to us, but we're better patriots than you are, and we're better Christians. Where you see only political opportunities to do whatever you want, we see humanitarian opportunities to do the right thing.

Comment Posted By fiskhus jim On 14.03.2007 @ 12:24

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